User Guides


Cantabile's expression engine supports the following functions. See also the Variable Reference and Sys-ex Expressions.

Math Functions

.NET Math functions
All the static functions of the .NET Math class
Clamps a value between a specified range
returns the high-7 bits of a 14-bit number
returns the high-8 bits of a 16-bit number
returns the low-7 bits of a 14-bit number
returns the low-8 bits of a 16-bit number
int(x), uint(x), long(x), ulong(x), short(x), ushort(x), byte(x), sbyte(x)
converts a value to a specified integer type (typically used for forcing a floating point value to integer)

Miscellaneous Functions

returns the number of elements in an array, the number of characters in a string or 1 for other types.

String Functions

ASCII-7 encodes a string, returning a byte array
formatNumber(value, formatString)
Formats a number using a C# double format specifier. eg: formatNumber(123.123456, "N2") to format to 2 decimal places.
EndsWith(a, b)
Checks if string a ends with b. (Case insensitive)
StartsWith(a, b)
Checks if string a starts with b. (Case insensitive)
joins two strings together, although the + operator can also be used to join strings.
strhas(str, find)
returns true if the string find is contained in str, otherwise false. The comparison is case-insensitive and culture invariant.
strmatch(str, regex)
returns true if the string str matches the regular expression regex. The comparison is case-insensitive and culture invariant.
strpart(str, i)

splits a string on semicolon ; characters and returns the ith part, or an empty string if not enough parts are available.

eg: strpart("Apples;Pears;Bananas", 1) returns "Pears".

strstr(str, find)
returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of find in str, or -1 if not found. The comparison is case-insensitive and culture invariant.
returns a sub-string of str starting at character pos. If pos is negative, returns the end of the string
returns a length characters from str starting at character pos. If pos is negative, returns the end of the string
UTF-7 encodes a string, returning a byte array
UTF-8 encodes a string, returning a byte array
UTF-16 (little endian) encodes a string, returning a byte array
UTF-16 (big endian) encodes a string, returning a byte array

Velocity and Control Curve Functions

Maps a coarse controller value (0-127) to a gain scalar using the user-selected MIDI gain control curve.
curve(curveKind, curveAmount, value)

Converts a value using one of Cantabile's built-in a velocity curves.

  • curveKind: one of "enhance", "expand", "enhance-1", "expand-1"
  • curveAmount: the curve amount from -1.0 to 1.0 (and where 0.0 = linear mapping)
  • value: a position on the curve from 0.0 to 1.0
  • returns: the curve value at the position from 0.0 to 1.0
Maps a fine controller value (0-16383) to a gain scalar using the user-selected MIDI gain control curve.
Maps a gain scalar to a fine controller value (0-16383) using the user-selected MIDI gain control curve.
Maps a gain scalar to a coarse controller value (0-127) using the user-selected MIDI gain control curve.
positionToScalar(controlCurveName, value)

Converts a control curve position to a scalar gain value using one of the user-selected control curves.

  • controlCurveName: "gain", "midi" or "levels"
  • value: a control curve position from 0.0 to 1.0
  • returns: a scalar gain value (ie: where 1.0 = 0dB)
scalarToPosition(controlCurveName, value)

Converts a a scalar gain value to a control curve position using one of the user-selected control curves.

  • controlCurveName: "gain", "midi" or "levels"
  • value: a scalar value to be converted
  • returns: a control curve position from 0.0 to 1.0

Decibel Functions

formatDb(value [, muteString])
Formats a decibel value to a string. If less than approx -60b returns -∞ or the muteString if supplied.
formatGain(value [, muteString])
Formats a scalar gain value to decibels string. If less than approx -60b returns -∞ or the muteString if supplied.
fromDb(value [, limit])
Converts a decibel value to scalar. If limit specified and value < limit returns zero.
toDb(value [, limit])
Converts a scalar gain value to decibels. If limit specified and value < limit returns negative infinity.

MIDI Functions

Formats a MIDI note number using Cantabile current settings for display note names.
Formats a program number according to current Cantabile settings for displaying program numbers.
encodes a multi-byte integer using 7-bit MIDI variable length encoding.
parses a Cantabile formatted banked program number returning a zero based banked program number.
parses a Cantabile formatted MIDI note name (eg: "C#4") and returns MIDI note number.

Onscreen Keyboard State

These functions return the state of the onscreen keyboard. In all cases the MIDI channel number is optional and defaults to 1 if not specified.

is_note_held(noteNumber, [channel])
Returns 1 if the note is held, otherwise 0
Returns the MIDI note number of the lowest held note, or -1 if no held notes
Returns the pitch class as a string (eg; "C", "C#" etc...) of the lowest held note
all_notes_held(notesArray, [channel])

Returns 1 if all notes in the array are held, othersize 0 eg: all_notes_held([60,64,67], 2) checks if all notes in middle CMaj on MIDI channel 2 is held

any_notes_held(notesArray, [channel])

Returns 1 if any notes in the array are held, otherwise 0 eg: any_notes_held([60,64,67], 2) checks if any notes in middle CMaj on MIDI channel 2 are held

is_pitch_class_held(pitch_class, [channel])
Returns 1 if at all specified pitch classes are held. eg: is_pitch_class_held("CEG") returns 1 if at any C, E and G notes are held (ie: all three must be held, but in any octave)
any_pitch_class_held(pitch_class, [channel])
Returns 1 if at any of the specified pitch classes are held. eg: any_pitch_class_held("CEG") returns 1 if any C, E or G notes are held
cc(controllerNumber, [channel])
The current value of a continuous controller
finecc(controllerNumber, [channel])
The current value of a fine continuous controller
The currently selected program number
The currently selected banked program number
The current pitch bend value
The current channel pressure value
rpnCoarse(paramNumber, [channel])
The current coarse value of an RPN parameter
rpnFine(paramNumber, [channel])
The current fine value of an RPN parameter
nrpnCoarse(paramNumber, [channel])
The current coarse value of a NRPN Parameter
nrpnFine(paramNumber, [channel])
The current fine value of a NRPN Parameter

Roland Sys-ex Functions

calculates the Roland sys-ex checksum of an array. (The array is flattened to a byte array using the same rules as for sys-ex expressions)
packs a 16-bit value into 4 bytes with 4-bits in each byte (MSB first), as used in Roland sys-ex. (aaaabbbbccccdddd => 0000aaaa 0000bbbb 0000cccc 0000dddd)
packs an 8-bit value into 2 bytes with 4-bits in each byte (MSB first), as used in Roland sys-ex. (aaaabbbb => 0000aaaa 0000bbbb)

MIDI Generations Functions

These functions are only available in the "Sys-Ex / Raw Bytes" binding point target and can be used to generate raw MIDI data.

Note the parameters to these functions are all zero-based, except the MIDI channel number which is 1 based.

midi.noteOn(channel, noteNumber, velocity)
generates the 3-bytes of a note on event.
midi.noteOff(channel, noteNumber)
generates a 3-byte note on event with velocity zero (ie: a note off event), controllerNumber, controllerValue)
generates a standard 3-byte continuous controller event.
midi.fine_cc(channel, controllerNumber, controllerValue)
generates a fine-valued (0-16384) continuous controller event
midi.after_touch(channel, noteNumber, value)
generates a 3-byte after-touch event
midi.program_change(channel, programNumber)
generates a 2-byte program change event
midi.bank_select(channel, msb, lsb)
generates a bank select messages as 2x CC events
midi.banked_program_change(channel, programNumber)
generates a banked program change as 2x CC events and 1x program change event
midi.rpn(channel, parameterNumber, parametervalue)
generates a fine-RPN event as series of 4x continuous controller events
midi.nrpn(channel, parameterNumber, parametervalue)
generates a fine-NRPN event as series of 4x continuous controller events
midi.channel_pressure(channel, pressure)
generates a 2-byte channel pressure event
midi.pitch_bend(channel, value)
generates a 3-byte pitch bend event
generates a special sys-ex event encoding a delay period. This special sys-ex is intercepted by Cantabile when processing the generated MIDI byte stream and causes a sample accurate delay before the following events are emitted.